Anti-corruption, Bribery and Fraud Management Policy.


General Statement

It is the fundamental principle of Movar to conduct business in an honest, lawful and ethical way and without the use of corrupt practices or acts of bribery. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, fraud and corruption of any kinds, whether committed by our employees, contractors, or any third party acting on behalf of the company. 

Aims and Objectives

Movar is committed to complying with applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws in the UK and all countries in which Movar conducts business. 

  • As company with international interests, Movar aims:
    • To ensure full compliance with all anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations by all its third parties, subsidiaries, and employees in all the countries in which Movar conducts business. 
  • Handling Classification:
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To train employees so that they can recognise corruption warning signs and avoid higher risk situations where there may be a threat of improper demands being made to themselves and others. 
    • To encourage its employees to be vigilant and to report any suspicion of bribery by providing them with suitable channels of communication and ensuring sensitive information is treated appropriately.  
  • With regards to whistleblowing and speaking up against bribery:
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Movar employees must report immediately any suspicion they have of corrupt activity or bribery (however insignificant or trivial it may appear and whether it involves other Movar employees or third parties).
    • Concerns are reported to leadership and the CEO.  
    • Movar strictly prohibits victimisation against anyone for raising or helping to address suspected corrupt acts and concerns about bribery.
    • Anyone found guilty of victimisation will face disciplinary action.
    • Movar is committed to ensure that anyone who raises a concern in good faith suffers no detriment as a result. 
    • If an employee or third party wishes to report a concern anonymously, they can do so through our Suggestions and Complaints Form. Anonymous reports will be considered by the directors and passed to the CEO for such investigation as appropriate. Movar's preference is to encourage reporting to its directors as this can enable more effective investigation of the concern raised. 
  • Follow these simple rules: 
    • DO NOT offer or accept payments, gifts, entertainment or any form of favour where it may involve someone in misuse of their position in exchange for business or personal advantage, the intention of influencing business decisions or gaining preferential treatment.
    • DO NOT misuse position in connection with payments, gifts, entertainment or any form of favour for yourself or others. 
    • DO NOT deliberately use advantages to try to influence foreign public officials for business reasons. If you need to promote Movar’s business with a foreign public official, always check in advance with the Directors. Exercise common sense when considering issues involving your conduct and the conduct of others on Movar's behalf.      
    • DO NOT engage in fraudulent activities, including misrepresenting or falsifying financial or operational records.
    • DO NOT offer, solicit, or accept any inducements that could be perceived as an attempt to influence the objectivity or fairness of business decisions.

Responsibilities and Review

  • This policy will be reviewed and updated as necessary on an annual basis. All employees will be informed of any change made to an existing policy by the Leadership.  
  • For all new employees training on this policy will form part of the induction process and training must be completed as necessary. 
  • It is the responsibility of every employee to ensure they read, comply and keep themselves up-to date with all relevant policies.  This policy must be communicated to all employees, suppliers, contractors and business partners at the outset of our business relationship with them.
  • Consequences of non-compliance may result in termination of contractual and or relationship obligations. 
  • The Directors have overall responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with our legal obligations, and that all employees comply with it.  

Signed: Oliver Wade - Director 10-11-2024