General Statement
Movar is committed to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees and others when undertaking project management, controls and digital consultancy services.
Aims and objectives
Our aim is to provide healthy and safe places to work by engaging with our people and ensuring the clients and suppliers we work with are like-minded in Health, Safety and Well-being. Therefore, the company accepts the following responsibilities:
- Establish
- We have an established, continually implemented and maintained Health and Safety ISO 45001 within our IMS.
- To establish and regularly review objectives and obligations to continually improve safe systems of work.
- Comply
- To ensure we comply to all company, legal, regulatory and industry requirements such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and PPER 2022, and fulfil our obligations.
- Identify
- To identify, eliminate, reduce, or control risks in so far as reasonably practicable.
- Promote
- A safe and inclusive work environment.
- Behaviours of protecting the health, safety, and well-being of ourselves and others.
- A culture that supports employee well-being, including the development of understanding of and skills to support mental well-being.
- Participation and consultation of employees with our speak up policy to evaluate our systems, report concerns and seek advice or support.
- Continually Improve
- By following our path of continual improvement through measurable target setting, monitoring and review of our well-being strategy through QHSE meetings, Management Reviews and Audits.
- By integrating Health, Safety and Well-Being thinking into our business processes and decision-making.
- Communication
- To encourage open communication.
- This policy is displayed on our website.
- This policy and our Health, Safety and Well-Being objectives are made available to all interested parties.
Responsibilities and Review
Leadership will review this policy annually before communicating it throughout the business and to all interested parties. Managers have the responsibility to ensure the communication of the policy, to provide the necessary training and resources and empowering their team to act in a safe manner and to care for their health and well-being.
Staff have a responsibility to:
- Work in a safe and efficient manner regarding their own safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
- Correctly use safety devices and protective equipment provided and to meet statutory obligations.
- Report any incidents that have or could have caused injury or damage and follow the correct accident, incident or near-miss reporting procedure.
- Co-operate in investigations of accidents, incident, or near-misses with the object of introducing measures to minimise the possibility of recurrence.
- Adhere to company procedures and observing instructions designed to preserve health and safety.
- When working in clients’ offices, Movar staff will familiarise themselves with the Health and Safety Policy relevant to clients’ premises and follow their guidelines.
- When working from home, Movar staff will familiarise themselves with the Working from Home policy and follow the relevant guidelines.
- All Movar Staff have a responsibility to comply with the Fire Safety Policy relevant to the office they are in. This will include, but not be limited to making themselves familiar with the fire safety plans and procedures of any building they work in and company they are sub-contracted to, observing all instructions, information and training intended to secure fire safety; co-operating with the Fire Safety Officer on all matters relevant to fire safety; not interfering with any building fabric or equipment provided in connection with assuring fire safety and reporting any obvious defects or short-comings to the Fire Safety Officer.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this policy could result in disciplinary action being taken.
This statement of health & safety policy meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 45001: 2018 and is communicated to all employees. The Leadership have full responsibility and authority relating to Health and Safety obligations.
Signed: Oliver Wade - Director 10-11-2024