General Statement
Movar is committed to conduct our business with sustainable, ethical and socially responsible practices. We are continually working to integrate social and environmental concerns into our business operations for a more positive and long lasting impact on the world around us.
By putting CSR into practice, we are committed, wherever possible, to:
- Conducting ourselves responsibly and in an ethical manner
- Creating a positive and supportive working environment
- Supporting local communities
- Improving service levels to clients
- Acting fairly in our dealings with suppliers and other third parties
- Minimising the impact on our environment.
Aims and Objectives:
- Conduct
- We aim to adopt the highest professional standards and conduct ourselves in a transparent manner to preserve the integrity of Movar.
- To this end we work to educate on and prevent bribery, corruption, and unethical practices at all levels of the company.
- We actively promote respect between our staff members in their dealings with each other and with clients and other third parties.
- Our working environment
- We recognise that our staff are our most important resource. We actively seek to offer our staff a positive and healthy working environment and ensure that they have rewarding careers and job satisfaction.
- We maintain a Policies and Procedures Manual as well as a Staff Handbook, which set out the policies, rights, and expectations of all members of staff.
- We seek to ensure that all staff have access to the training they need both for their own development and to enable them to deliver a high-quality service.
- We consider all staff members to be equal and we aim to create a safe and healthy working environment which is free of all forms of unlawful discrimination.
- Our community
- In considering our impact on the community we have resolved to sponsor or otherwise support local charities.
- Movar actively supports the Ordinary To Extraordinary Charity which supports and betters the lives of life-limited and terminally ill children and their families - As we are a global community, Movar has also chosen to support Compassion UK which aims to improve the lives of children and their families in the developing world.
- As we are a global community, Movar has also chosen to support Compassion UK which aims to improve the lives of children and their families in the developing world.
- Our belief in education for all and gender equality has led us in support of grassroots charities involved in these areas in the UK and in developing countries.
- We encourage members of staff time off work to enable them to carry out work in support of their chosen charity and to encourage dialogue with local communities and groups for mutual benefit. Up to 2 days may be taken with full pay each year. Days need to be arranged ahead of time and evidence of the charity work will need to be submitted to HR.
- Our clients
- We are committed to delivering a high level of service to all our clients. We understand that our business exists in a very competitive market and in order to retain our clients we need to deliver a professional and courteous service.
- Suppliers
- We are committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination and to promoting equality and diversity in our professional dealings with suppliers and other third parties.
- We endeavour to enter into clear and fair contracts with our suppliers.
- We commit to the timely settlement of suppliers’ invoices.
- Wherever possible, we aim to support the local economy by contracting with local suppliers.
- Environment
- We are committed to behaving responsibly and minimising our impact on the environment and are committed to:
- Minimising waste and adopting sensible recycling procedures in all aspects of the company Providing safe and comfortable working conditions
- Encouraging staff to walk or cycle or use other sustainable transportation to work wherever practicable
- Ensuring that electrical equipment and lights are off when not in use
- Working towards Carbon Zero by 2030
- Supporting environmental initiatives including TreeAid and National Trust.
- We are committed to behaving responsibly and minimising our impact on the environment and are committed to:
Responsibilities and Review
Movar’s nominated officer, Lyall Wade, has overall responsibility for our CSR strategy and for implementing this policy. This policy is communicated to our staff, clients, and other stakeholders by means of our website, OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, and emails.
We are fully committed to the highest possible standards of openness, honesty, and accountability. We actively encourage all staff members who have serious concerns about any real or perceived departure from the high ethical standard that we set to voice those concerns openly. All members of staff have a role to play in complying with our CSR objectives and are encouraged to make further suggestions in relation to initiatives we could undertake.
Signed: Oliver Wade - Director 10-11-2024